They should take the necessary steps to earn lawful money and spend on their children in a manner that is correct. 父母应当通过合法途径赚取法定货币并且以适当、合理的方式把钱花费在孩子正经的事情上。
The right of the owner-or that person's lawful heir-to claim this property or money never expires. 不管是物品的主人还是法定继承人,他们认领这些物品的时间没有期限。
In the implementation of real-name-system of savings, there exists some lawful problems such as savings secret, identification of family assets, prevention of depositing private money in firm's account, establishment of self credit and fabri-cation of documents. 存款实名制的实施过程中存在一些不容忽视的法律问题:储蓄的保密,家庭财产的区分,私款公存的防止,个人商业信用的建立,伪造证件的防止等。
On Lawful Problems of Money Laundering 洗钱罪若干法律问题浅论